I use the discontinued HP CombiPlan for 4×5. But I'll be tray developing when I get my Century Universal in working order.
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Be careful about using a too thin tank for 8x10. The film bows out from the developing hanger frames and can scratch in the middle. If I make new tanks I worry less about tank volume and more about not scratching the film. My plexiglass tanks only hold 700-800 mL for standard Kodak 8x10 hangers. If you mix your own developers they don't cost much compared to the frustration of spoiled films.
a well-used French horn
Kodak Commercial Ektar 14"/f6.3 @f6.3, Rodinal 1+50 10:00 tray, Retina MOD Green Xray film (Carestream, Rochester, USA) @ISO 80, Sinar p2
My first attempt shooting and developing xray stock - I'm impressed. I took some extra care because I never developed in trays, but it worked well. At 100% it shows some scratches, but hardly any dust. I'm pleased, especially since I now have 99 30x40cm sheets left, which are 396 5x7 or 198 8x10 - at a cost of €15!
Have to see how to proceed from here, perhaps lower the contrast to get smoother tonality.
Very nice Dirk, a good choice of subject. In storage I have at least one of every musical instrument back from my music education days...I really should do some macro/detail images. Thanks for the inspiration.
Dirk, that's an excellent result - and to know that this is an initial attempt, that's really impressive! How did you agitate?
Andrew, how much developer solution do you use and how large is your tray for 8x10? I currently use 200ml in a 11x15" tray, which seems to be just about the minimum. I'm quite curious how you manage to get even development with intermittent agitation!
Thank you - you should indeed! And perhaps play it a little while you have it out, it makes a good contrast to taking pictures.
Maybe it is beginner's luck, we will see. I agitated sporadically, sort of every 30s like in the 35mm days when doing inversion, but I wasn't looking at the clock really...
Fascinating; how much developer do you use (ml) and what size tray? I want to try and replicate what seems to work for both Andrew and yourself so I'm looking for as detailed information as possible.
I used a 10x8 tray and I think 500ml of developer. I think my effective time yesterday was 7-8mins, the dev was colder than I thought.
Today I felt lucky and did another sheet in a Jobo print drum, but this time 1+100 and 12:00. However that neg is far too dense, not sure if it is overexposed or overdeveloped, possibly both. Also it shows marks where the ribs in the drum are and more scratches than the tray.
Is anyone exposing this at other than ISO 100?
Double sided 8x10 Fuji film rotary developed in Rodinal 1+50 for 4:0 minutes
Attachment 160753