We usually tell newbies to read all of both X-Ray threads and I have.
But a summation could be a great sticky for someone else to make ...
A difficult task as we all disagree so often.
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We usually tell newbies to read all of both X-Ray threads and I have.
But a summation could be a great sticky for someone else to make ...
A difficult task as we all disagree so often.
The original xray thread is pretty good. Still think these two threads should be merged...
yes ive noticed that myself which i believe is why i started asking questions - my issue was the discrepancy on a simple matter of developing times/dilutions.
Im liking the idea of using x-ray film for several reasons, cost savings being the main one as Ive recently acquired a 8x10 view camera and film is not cheap.
I've also gotten interested in trying my hand at paper negatives for the same reason.
I also simply just love photography and trying new (to me) ideas to keep the interest alive.
I just shot a couple more, heading to the darkroom now :)
here are a couple more, had some dev. issues but oh well, they look nostalgic : ), these were shot with the rittreck view w/ 8x10 back 305 repro claron
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8605/...b88f72b778.jpgdowntown blue ridge ga. by goldenimageworks65, on Flickr
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8608/...2c89cc8147.jpgbench and depot, blue ridge ga. by goldenimageworks65, on Flickr
I am just glad xray film is cheap, I bet it was my fixer now that I look closer at them
Its not discrepancy. Its people either being anal or not. There is bunch of technical people who like temperatures, seconds, dilution to be exact, doing stuff by inspection & etc. There is other bunch, to which i belong, that doesn't care. Which group to choose is up to you. But thread got piles of information. Even listing back few pages - its not that hard.
Im in the not too anal camp. Ya i like, and try to, write everything dow but sometimes i dont. I kinda prefer not to play around with times too much if what i used worked.