yup.. brilliant part about shooting X-ray - i can experiment more, b/c cost is far less :)
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Got some treats:
I did some camera tests in the studio. With the 12" Dagor (~300mm) used as a close up portrait lens, I have to have the bellows on the 8x10 Korona racked to almost full extension. I made 4 images. IMR, IMR +1, IMR +2, IMR +3, then souped IMR +3 and IMR +2 in Rodinal 1:100, for 6 min. IMR +3 has great exposure detail, but prefer the IMR +2 when contact printed with a #5 filter.
Xray Portrait Test #08 by Lee Smathers, on Flickr
8x10 Korona, 12" Dagor
Fuji HR-A (high speed green sensitive xray) @160 (+2 stops for bellows extension), Rodinal 1:100, 6 min.
Ilford Multigrade RC, Dektol 1:2, #5 filter
After I developed the IMR +3 and IMR +2, and found the exposure I liked I still had IMR +1 and IMR that I knew were underexposed. For the heck of it, I threw them in Dektol 1:2 (which I was preparing for my contact prints), to see if I could get any results - and boy did I!
Xray Portrait Test #06 by Lee Smathers, on Flickr
8x10 Korona, 12" Dagor
Fuji HR-A (high speed green sensitive xray) @160 (IMR), Dektol 1:2, 2 min (1 min agitation, pulled out at 2 min because with development by inspection, I could tell it was getting too dense).
Ilford Multigrade RC, Dektol 1:2, #4 filter
Xray Portrait Test #01 by Lee Smathers, on Flickr
8x10 Korona, 12" Dagor
Fuji HR-A (high speed green sensitive xray) @160 (IMR), Dektol 1:2, 2 min (Stand Development).
Ilford Multigrade RC, Dektol 1:2, #4 filter
I'm going to photograph all of my students (100+) with xray film to try to get them interested in: 1) film, 2) large format, and 3) darkroom work. I have an exhibition planned for the end of June and will be filling the gallery space with contact prints of the students printed on developer & toner mixes I make from scratch (Steve Anchell's The Darkroom Cookbook).
Nice job, Lee. SeeI told you it was a good way to go. Some experimenting and you are there. Nice images and a good project. When I get back home I'll send you your gift.
Jim, I'm still doing tray development in trays with ridges in them. I place an 8x10 sheet of glass on the bottom of my trays. I'd love to get the CESCO trays you recommended, but I'm going to try to get some stainless steel kitchen trays locally instead of ordering from the US. Any suggestions? I'd like to get the tank and hangars, but trying to hold back on buying more stuff from overseas. It took me 10 hours to process 10 negatives and contact print them. It's taking more of my time, but I've spent a lot on large format recently and need to slow down. Plus I've just about got this tray development down packed, if I add tank and hangars, I'd have to do another test to make sure my agitations would be similar. Haha. No more tests. I'm ready to shoot and produce work. I really like the Images developed in Dektol. It's giving me the look of a portrait I did with Adox Ortho 25 in Rodinal. The detail is stunning! I'm having problems with some uneven development in the Dektol maybe I should try a 1:3, 1:4, or 1:5 dilution for longer times, but I'm afraid I'll lose this look. Also considering Rodinal 1:25 and 1:50. Darn it! I just said no more tests.
I'm excited about your gift!
8x10 CSG, 300mm Symmar (old convertible), no filters :) Overcast.
7m , 1+50 Rodinal
Scan-130323-0005www by Sergei Rodionov, on Flickr
and one more, same
Scan-130323-0006www by Sergei Rodionov, on Flickr
May I ask you about what type of the yellow filter for brass lenses with more than 10cm diametter?
Xray without filter is so too much contrast for woman portrait.