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Hi folks,
I have used Fuji HRU x-ray film in Rodinal (R09) 1:200 for 11 minutes at 20 degrees C with good results. However, I ran out of R09 and have a bottle of Ilfotec DDX handy. Does anybody know or have any details on times and dilution for HRU in DDX?
Thanks in advance,
I use these charts for a start
Thanks TC.
I usually use the Massive Dev Chart but couldn't see anything on it that featured DDX. I know that i can develop by inspection and go from there but I didn't want to re-invent the wheel if someone already has a tried and trusted dilution for the HRU and DDX combination.
You can do it. Aren't you a tech writer for this industry?
I never run out of Rodinol and if I did I would use Ilford PQ
First thing, this thread is insane. Don't know if I have enough time in my life to make it through all of this. Next, thanks for those who have put summary posts in to help us relative newcomers.. ;)
I jumped in and ordered a couple of boxes of 8x10 to give it a try this summer. Still working on the development sequence just yet, but I'm planning on using dip tank hangers in 8x10 to reduce scratching. I have the old Kodak rubber tanks, but at 4gal solution each that is a lot of chems and I doubt I'm going do enough shooting to make it worth while. I'm looking to get the smaller 1 gal stainless type or I'll make my own out of acrylic. We'll see how that goes.
Attachment 239130
Just to add my 1 cent tip as i think it was never mentioned before.
For 1 negative at a time, i use stryrofoam trays with great success so far, as they are soft and lightweight.
I have a lot of old and antique lenses and after cleaning an adjusting I have to test´em.
For this I´am using the Fujifilm UM-MA in 18x24cm or cut it to 4x 9x12cm sheets with a Dahle trimmer.
I tested it with some different developers but the real best for it is the Klaus Wehner Developer, a new formular Agfa Atomal.
Developing times are equal to the ilford FP4+
I´am using a Tetenal colour drum to develope two sheets of 18x24cm
After a lot of test shots I really like this film. With uncoated lenses it has very good halftones, it shows no grain and is easy to handle. It´s a sSingle coated x-ray film.
With MC coated lenses the contrasts are growing up and the grey scale is limited, single coated maybe works, very good results I got with a Schneider Symmar 300mm and an Rodenstock Eurygon 300mm f/4.5
Here´s a sample made with an over 100 years old Emil Busch Aplanat 260mm f/7.5 @f/16. No camera movements.
Sinar Norma 18x24cm, rear lens shutter, 1/2sec.
Wehner Developer, 8.5min. Delution 15ml+15ml+270ml
Another thought about X-Ray, is it is very modern film that is also Orthochromatic which is close to ancient film 'look'
so our ageless gear has correct film
I beleive the members shouting about fresh film, frozen film, Plates
DIY emulsions
want others to save...
We are in a moment in time before film and chemistry is banned World Wide
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