Where do you buy this film?
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Russian medical supplies web shop. I believe sfm medical is German, but I cannot find any xray film on its website
It is single sided. i do not think they can send film abroad, but try.
I've been contemplating try xray film in a pinhole camera. But using double sided film seems to entail a lot more work or a lot more risk of scratches. This source says that "Films used in cameras and in selected radiographic procedures, such as mammography, have one emulsion layer and are called single-emulsion films." Which suggests that most (if not all) mammography film is single sided.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...12373511_z.jpgMINR XRay Test 1 210mm Componon F22 Two Pops C171 by Nokton48, on Flickr
18x24cm Kodak MIN-R Mammography film cut into 4x5s. Sinar Norma Broncolor C171 with Broncolor Pulso Beauty Dish. Two strobe pops with Sinar Norma Shutter, multiple pops are no problem. Schneider chrome Componon lens at F22. Lisco Regal 4x5 film holder
Legacy Mic-X film dev 8 mins at 68F Aristo 8x10 #2 RC print Multigrade dev
All the Kodak 18x24 Mammo Min-R I have acquired is outdated circa 2010. Still it does not seem affect it in the slightest. I would think freezing it should preserve it well? Better grab it if you can find it :)
refresh my memory, as I've never removed one side of the emulsion. Are people halving their EI when they do that, or how are they compensating for that loss of density?
I never did that when removing one side.