Okay, here is one of several images I shot on green sensitive x-ray film. This stuff is the bomb!! This is a carbon transfer print, of course.
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Okay, here is one of several images I shot on green sensitive x-ray film. This stuff is the bomb!! This is a carbon transfer print, of course.
Jim, what pigment did you use?
I had a fantastic time at the workshop in Canada with Vaughn. I have one 11x14 filmholder 99% done. The wood is acclimating for the run after all evaluations have been completed on the working model, which is usable but in a different wood species.
Nice image there.
Thanks, I do love the tone in this image as it fits the mood of the church and scene. Now Tri, come on now you know I always keep good notes! That was one of Vaughn's first comments to me and as I recall I have said the same thing to my students. I put a little extra in the black cat.
Curt, nice going if you are building your own film holders. Let me know how they work when you get them done. That is very difficult to do.
Here are some 8x10" pinhole images taken on Fuji HR-U green sensitive film.
Developed in Rodinal 1+100 for 6 minutes, backside emulsion stripped using chloride bleach.
Exposure was measured around ISO 50-100 depending on the light.
Outstanding work, mgeiss. It shows how much you can do with a simple camera and inexpensive film.
mgeiss, bravo! Well done, indeed. Inspiring! What were your exposure times like?
I agree, nice images!
never seen the need to do the stripping. Never done it and my images print just fine. KISS is how I work.