Very nice!
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Very nice!
Just got a box of CSG Green Sensitive Carestream 8x10 x-ray film from zzmedical to try; I believe it's Kodak film, though nothing on the box indicates that. I've looked through this thread for EI suggestions, but haven't found anything related specifically to this film. I'm thinking an EI of 50 - 100 to start...what say you?
Many thanks!
It's Kodak. Start at 50 ISO.
Which developer will you use, Alan?
Looking at my notes I have used "CSX Green" - no idea if that is Carestream or not. I rated it at ISO 50, processed in Rodinal 1:200 for 6 minutes or 1:100 for 4 minutes (tray).
I have recently used Ilford PQ paper developer in trays on CSG and it is well cooked in 2 minutes.
Probably the same ones I experimented with when shooting Ektascan: Rodinal, 510-Pyro, and Obsidian Aqua. I will process in BTZS tubes with the Rodinal and tanks/hangers for the staining developers. Generally, I've found the staining developers control the contrast better, but my only experience thus far is with the Ektascan material. But, some absolutely lovely images posted here using the green sensitive material has prompted me to give that a go.
OK, I wouldn't say my testing of CSG Green has gone very well. So far, I've only processed using tanks/hangers; Rodinal 1:100, though the contrast of the negative looked pretty good, was just too grainy for my taste, and 510-Pyro was on the thin side and somewhat under-developed. Also, had a couple scratches which is probably to be expected using tanks/hangers.
I'd like to try rotary processing this film next, but, to be honest, it baffles me a bit due to the dual-sided emulsion. If the one side is basically plastered against the wall of the tube/drum--I can use BTZS tubes or a Jobo Expert Drum--and doesn't see much, if any, chemistry what is that side going to look like? Or, does it not matter? Also, are there any other developers, besides Rodinal, that you have used to process this particular type of film using rotary processing? Time/temp/dilution?
Thanks for any insight provided.