I've got my first* test shots made with Kodak Ektascan B/RA
up at my blog. Wista 45DX with Schneider Symmar-S 5,6/150 lens & yellow-green filter, no allowance for filter factor, bellows draw, or reciprocity made.
Rated at ISO 25, 50, 80, and 160, respectively, and brush/semi-stand developed in Pyrocat HD (1:1:200; 66.5º F ~19º C.) semi-stand for 15 minutes, except for #1 (ISO 50), which was underexposed and required an hour in the soup. #2 was developed the next day as a slightly cooler temperature.
All images developed under red safelight, one-at-a-time, in smooth-bottom 5×7 trays. Developer replaced for each negative.
The blog entry has a much more detailed write-up of my exposure & development.
I'm still trying to figure out why #3 is darker than #2; maybe I mixed them up at some point?
I'd like your comments and criticisms on the technical aspects of the images & I'll probably cross-post to the other thread for the same feedback; I have no experience & therefore no basis to determine proper density, contrast, etc. for film negatives. My hope is to eventually have silver-gelatin enlargements made (I'll have to job that out, as I don't have a proper darkroom or enlarging equipment). My own reaction is the #2 is the best exposure of the lot.
Attachment 142992
Unaltered Scan (except for inverting the curves to make a positive image)
Attachment 142993
Adjusted Curves
*These are actually my second tests, but I mis-measured the Pyro (3:3:100!) on the first batch & did not like the results, so not showing them here.