So is there a solution since it can't be inverted. I mean do I need to agitate aggressively, because currently I am agitating gently for 5 sec every minute and constantly for the first 30 sec.
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So is there a solution since it can't be inverted. I mean do I need to agitate aggressively, because currently I am agitating gently for 5 sec every minute and constantly for the first 30 sec.
How you agitate explains the dark marks on the negative, then. It's not sufficient and it's uneven. If you have solved your safelight issue, try developing in a flat-bottomed tray. If you don't have any, pick up a tupper ware container.
I have not solved the safelight issue, but will try this weekend to cut the film in complete dark. As for tray development I don't have a working darkroom with water supply, I use my closet for film changing and loading but I cannot work with water in the closet it's not practical. That is the reason I use the tank. So I guess I am pretty much stuck :(
I really appreciate the interest you guys are taking.
Was the eh? for DR? I work with a DR of about 1.9 for carbon. This negative has a DR of 1.47 and prints well in kallitype.
I see. When you say you "turned" the tank, does that mean tilting left side down, left side up, right side up, right side down? If you can do this vigorously, without spilling, you should see an improvement.
Raffay, if you are able to process in the closet with a tank, any reason you couldn't set 3-8X10 trays on a shelf - developer, water, fix? After the film is in the fix you can open the door and take the tray to the sink.
I don't think you will be able get even development in that tank you are using. There is just no way for the developer to evenly flow over the entire surface of the film since you can't invert the tank...BUT...if you use trays (like I do quite often) you have greater risk of scratching the film during agitation.
An idea - since your tank holds 12 sheets, try processing no more than 3 or 4 at a time with lots of space between the sheets in the tank, and agitate as vigorously as you can when you do agitate. I don't think agitating more often is going to help, as much as more vigorous agitation - tilting the tank from side to side, front to back several times during each agitation. Maybe even taping around the lid to limit the amount of chemical that escapes during vigorous agitation.
I used a tank like that for a few tries years ago and could never get even development. Finally went to processing 4x5 film in 8X10 trays. I could immediately see the difference - no more uneven development. But I did get some scratches. Now, with using Xray film exclusively, I see lots of scratches :(
Hello, below are two pics I took over the weekend, the first one is x-ray the same film, and the second one is Ilford. Both developed together in the same tank at the same time. Want you people to check for uneven development, I am no expert but logically if the development was uneven as can be seen in the x-ray film then shouldn't the Ilford film be unevenly developed.
Attachment 94366Attachment 94367
On second thoughts the Ilford one also seems uneven if looked closely but not as bad as the x-ray.
I think this should really be taken off to discussion of film processing & etc..
No offense. Just think it makes way more sense over there.
They both unevenly developed. Difference is given by different reaction of emulsion to developer. As simple as that.
That is serious mottling, especially in the first example. Your tank is the problem. Figure out a way that will allow you to work in flat-bottomed trays. If you are worried about scratches, use my ziplock bag method. Someone suggested working in a closet. That is kind of what I did while I lived in the Japan although it was the corner of my kitchen sealed off with multiple layers of black plastic. Seriously though, your tank is suspect.
Sergei I think that since this is x-ray film it really should be here or on the "original" x-ray thread. Still don't know why this thread was started. Would make things much easier if there was only ONE thread.