No Image at all, totally blank.
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No Image at all, totally blank.
A quick outing on a sunny afternoon to see the tolerances of this development technique with sunny day images. Dektol handles the light very nicely. I think I will adjust the exposure some in the sun, but I should be able to make photographs in more conditions now.
1903 Eastman View No. 1 - Schneider Symmar S 240mm - f/45 - Kodak B/RA X-Ray Film - 8x10 Film - Dektol 1+10 - Unaltered Negative Scan
This is the unfortunate negative, any thoughts on what could have gone so wrong.
Attachment 94733
Raffay, looks heavily fogged to me. Is this the first sheet you've used from the box? Try developing an unexposed sheet from the box - as Roger said, it should be completely clear. Did you handle this sheet under safelight? - a bad safelight could be the cause of fog.What about your film holders, are they light-tight (although a poor film holder usually doesn't result in total fog. It also looks as though your development may be uneven, and there are scratches evident that indicate rough handling. Hope you find this helpful. Don't lose heart, we all have these trials and hopefully come through them wiser.
Darkslide pulled before the shutter preview was closed?
Well, the neg is black = exposure + development
Either the film is fogged before it ever got to the camera, or else it was exposed in camera. If enough light reaches the film, it will just go completely black?
I'm no expert on xray film (or anything!), so YMMV, but I would do two things:
1. handle and develop a new piece in the same way (without exposure). If it looks the same then the handling or film is suspect
2. take a second piece of the same film and take a shot and develop and see how it works.
I think the same OP had an issue with an iphone safelight, could be the film got fogged somewhere along the line?
Let us know how you get on!!
Here's a thread with a bunch of work I shot on Kodak Industrex MX125:
Apologies if this has been asked before but 87 pages is a lot to trawl through!
Has anyone played with coloured filters and the blue senstive film? I am interested in enhancing skies giving more contrast between the clouds and sky as I often get skies that are almost plain white when using blue sensitive Kodak Industrex MX125.