How about a photo?
EKTASCAN B/RA single-sided 8x10 @80, yellow filter. Pyrocat 1:1:200 7 minutes, agitated first minute plus x1 x1 every 30 in trays.
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How about a photo?
EKTASCAN B/RA single-sided 8x10 @80, yellow filter. Pyrocat 1:1:200 7 minutes, agitated first minute plus x1 x1 every 30 in trays.
Tin Can is correct. The film speed varies with the season, time of day, clouds, clearness of atmosphere. If you determine an EI (not ISO as that never changes) to be 100 between 10 am and 2 pm in July, it may be as low as 5 or 10 early or late in the day, or in December.
The only way to learn to use this film is to use it. After a few hundred sheets, along with well kept notes, you will begin to get consistent exposures. I have a meter which measures available UV, and still rely on my over 80 years of experience with orthochromatic films. They are beautiful when used correctly, including developer and developing method.
I know zero about x-ray film but I’m interested in double sided on a clear (colourless) base. Any recommendations? A quick google led me to Cytiva Hyperfilm but I’m wondering if there is anything else people have used or are using. I don’t care about sensitivity etc. as I’ll simply be fixing unexposed film.
Here is a spread sheet with lots of information -
All I can say is listen to Jim Noel, he has been photographing longer than most of us have been alive. Take his recommendations and use them. It is what I do. He has been at this for 83 years! He knows what he is talking about and I'm proud to call him my friend. Look up his posts and learn from him.
Never heard of it, buy some and educate us
Seems not that expensive but more $$$ than most 'normal' X-Ray
Medical X-Ray is purposely tinted blue to ease eye strain of Doctors and techs
For the permanent record, blue and green X-Ray are both BLUE
Thanks. Yes it looks to be more expensive than most, but perhaps worth looking into since it has a clear base. I think I’ll bite the bullet and get a box of their smallest size (5x7) to play with.
Not sure about the anti-scratch coating.
I’ll send them a few questions and see if they respond.
50 sheets of this "Hyper" 5x7 is $255
Ilford Delta 100 box of 100 sheets is $233, over half the price.
Seems like a bad choice unless the intention is shooting ortho, I guess. Ilford has Ortho available in 8x10 for $155, 25 sheets, with this Hyper film at $281 for 50 sheets or $29 cheaper for the same amount (even cheaper bought in 100 sheet bulk). Just pointing it out.