another, my ghost, I was timing the exposure, this one was 16 minutes. and xray film by goldenimageworks65, on Flickr
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another, my ghost, I was timing the exposure, this one was 16 minutes. and xray film by goldenimageworks65, on Flickr
no filter, 4.5 minutes, very high contrast, this pinhole camera is f288 8x10 and xray film pt2 by goldenimageworks65, on Flickr
Yup. Its a bit peculiar thing i noticed too. Never had to compensate for longer exposures, at it seems be have enough latitude to allow for 2-3 stops miscalculations (every now and then i think i have gone too long or too short, but .. nope. Comes out right). Of course you still can goof it up, but it seems to be harder to do so.
8x10 Kodak CSG, 10m rotatry in 1:100 Adonal
Another cool part is that it dries up in about 15 minutes in drying cabinet so you can shoot batch and have ready results within 45 minutes ;) by Sergei Rodionov, on Flickr
A beautiful portrait of a beautiful woman.
Thanks guys :) I was lucky enough to marry woman who not only doesn't mind me photographing and dorking with cameras in general , but also who doesn't mind me to come home after long work and at like 10pm shout "hey! lets try shooting this!" :) And then patiently wait while i doing all the stuff ;)
And encouraging me to do more photography b/c she knows I like it.