Looks gorgeous! Going to follow you on Flickr. Nice work!
Printable View
Haha! Right! I have no idea either! I can show you a picture of a box of my film. I'm not trying to trick anyone. It's the cheapest xray film that's offered in Korea. It's made by Fuji and says its made in Japan. I have no idea if its a special product for Korea only or if its available in other parts of the world too. I'm not Korean and my language skills are only intermediate. I could ask the next time I buy a box to satisfy our curiousity.
Can anyone explain what the 14x36 inch trifold xray film looks like? Is the film able to be folded? Is it perforated so it can be folded? I know what the full length 14x36 version looks like. I cannot find an image of the trifold version to satisfy my curiousity.
Actually, with foreign $$$ conversion, shipping and handling costs to Canada, it is more like $120 to find out. And no camera to shoot it with if I did buy it.
Or I can ask and see if someone knows already.
So, does anyone have a clue?
Contact http://www.cxsonline.com/ and ask them. I can't see shooters using folding X-Ray in any size.
finally got around to do bunch of contact prints from xray film
Contact print - exposure test: scan by Sergei Rodionov, on Flickr
Contact print: scan by Sergei Rodionov, on Flickr
For those who cares - it seems that with my typical development i do get them all around same exposure index (kinda knew that from scanning, but still). Used simple chineese 560 flash , mounted on wee light stand, about 60cm above contact frame made out of sheet of plex and plywood :) On minimal power of flash its 3 (or 5 for really dense) exposures. Developed with Dektol-like developer on Ilford multigrade. Certainly looks better than average 8x10 print from printer. Comes out cheaper too :)
This place offers the 14x36 straight film in blue and green sensitive, 25 sheet boxes for $60US. I've seen radiographs made with the trifold and the images were certainly of diagnostic quality, without perfs along the folds, but the film is held under a fair amount of compression in the xray cassettes. I don't think photographic holders would work very well with the trifold. Just my speculation.