Yup. I used to do it even with 4x5s. Hell of all diseases it was.. but it worked for a while.
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Yup. I used to do it even with 4x5s. Hell of all diseases it was.. but it worked for a while.
Trying different developers out today:
I started out with PMK 1:2:200. Looks better, but not perfect. Look at the skies. I had a few bad scratches too.
HR-U Developer Test #01 - PMK 1:2:200 by Lee Smathers, on Flickr
7x17 Folmer & Schwing, Konica Hexanon GRII 260mm, Fuji HR-U @ ISO 160, Pyro PMK 1:2:200 (20ml + 40ml + 4000 ml) 20 min
Pyro PMK 1.5+3+200, 15 min
Looks great, except there are spots all over my sky and a few scratches on the far left.
HR-U Developer Test #02 - PMK 1.5:3:200 by Lee Smathers, on Flickr
7x17 Folmer & Schwing, Konica Hexanon GRII 260mm, Fuji HR-U @ ISO 160, Pyro PMK 1.5:3:200 (30ml + 60ml + 4000 ml) 15 min
I've never seen spots like that in the sky. Strange. Looking good though, nice tones.
Tests #3 and #4 were with Holden's Dektol 1:10 dilutions for 3 min. #3 was with minor agitation and #4 was stand development for 3:30 min. I'll spare myself the embarrassment. I'm passing on Dektol.
I'm wondering if it's because I added extra chemistry to the 1:2:200 mix to make 1.5:3:200 instead of making a fresh batch. It's time to process the next batch. Most likely Rodinal 1:100 and Rodinal 1:200 and I think I want to try XTOL. Perhaps I should dilute it to 1:3?
Pyro PMK is definitely looking promising, at least enough to make me want to try playing with it more. I only tried it a few times with conventional film and couldn't figure it out. Even the quick Epson scans look deadly sharp with this x-ray film!
Definitely interested in what Rodinal gives you. XTOL might be interesting. Gotta do my own tests with Pyrocat. Looking at some older 8x10 x-ray neg scans and I was reminded that 4x5 is great but not in the same league...
I'm getting spots on all my negatives, no matter what the developer is...
Could it be the film itself?? The film expired in 2012 and wasn't kept in a cool place. It was actually kind of warm when I went there.
Wondering if the emulsions were sticking together and cause the spots...
Rodinal 1:200 with tray agitation for 11 min looks horrible too. I can post this on Monday if people are interested. Today has been one of those miserable days in the darkroom where I feel like I've gotten nothing done.
Pyro PMK looks promising for me. Dektol 1:10 and Rodinal 1:50 and 1:200 don't look good with my methods and ULF film in trays. How was I so fortunate with 8x10 and Rodinal 1:50?
I have 4 test negatives left to process. I'd really like to try one or two of those in the Jobo 28xx processing tube and just strip the back side. I'd need to get some glass though...
I'm not feeling optimistic about XTOL.... maybe Monday will bring more optimism!
Must be the film. It might be smart to run control runs of other film, even, GASP, "real" film just to confirm the problem.
I just compared Ilford FP4 and my Kodak CSG and I preferred the CSG, sorry not sharing more crap. Too critical an audience here for reality.
If you don't have other 7x17 just cut some 8x10 up and use that.