Yay Rooster! Excellent use of light and form.
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Yay Rooster! Excellent use of light and form.
Mist On El Capitan Meadow
Chamonix 045N-2
Schneider Symmar-S 210mm
Kodak Portra 160 Color Negative
The usual CS6 processing antics
Your thoughts are always appreciated.
That's a nice dramatic shot, Eli. Good job!
This is a good one EL. I like how the shadow lines up perfectly with the curve of the rock, and also how the sunlit boulder in the corner echoes the cloud at top left. You either have incredible timing or, with a good eye, you very patiently waited for the right moment. I suspect the latter. Nice.
I was wandering about central Utah at the end of October and came across this stand of backlit cottonwoods. I was impressed at what a nice job Portra did holding together both ends of the exposure range.
Chamonix 4x5
Fujinon 450mm
C&C always welcome. http://www.harleygoldman.com/images/...way95WebLg.jpg
Beautiful bit of color that you found, Harley. Now it is a matter of using it in compositionally -- because right now, that is all you have, a nice bit of color.
I think thats a little harsh. It has a lot of complex space, line and very interesting tone in all of the colours. And if its not about the light, then I dont know if any of your carbons are. I like it anyway.
I see the colour and I also see composition, linear, striated, captivating.