Re: Large Format Landscapes
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Now this DEFINITELY has the Fomapan signature ;)
PS your wide angles are intense!
Ahahahah....once I posted perhaps about 20 photos in an "expert" interactive site of photographers, some amateur, some other, professionals. I asked if they could tell what were the films I used on those photos! It was very entertaining. I did that because some guys were very sure of the films used on several photos, where I had absolutely no idea of the films used, so I made that "scientific" experience. The results were amazing! They had no idea of the films used but they seemed very secure, saying that this one was FP4+, that one was Fuji Acros, that some other was Ilford Delta 100, etc, etc. ALL the photos I posted, were made with Kodak Tmax 100!!!!! About the lenses, I use a lot the 47mm XL, I love it!
Re: Large Format Landscapes
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Great shots Nana, and a cleaver use of powerful Schneider WA lens too! Do you feel you have room for movements shooting with 4x5 film with this lens?
As someone else has stated before, Foma is a great film indeed. But for low amount of light situations and fast - related to the speed/reciprocity ratios - changing scenes, instead of Foma I do prefer a less steepening reciprocity curve film. Did I mention I just find absolutely amazing the results of HP5+ with sunlight at rise or set?
What I do not agree completely is with what Nana sad about: "FP4+, Kodak Plus-x pan, Fuji Acros, Fomapan 100 and Adox Art series 100, have a similar look, imo." I had somewhat different results of the films mentioned above less Adox Art, which I didn't used yet. Maybe with some sort of labo master work I could achieve similar results, but out of the box these films have - for me - a different tonal and contrast curve.
Nana, you're right when you complain about Acros price for 4x5, it's a shame how Fuji rated so high the same film in sheet than 120. I get all the Across loaded in roll film backs and shot it with 6x7, 6x9 sizes. It's a damn good film, but have damn high prices!
Olá, Rodrigo, tudo bem consigo?
I'm gonna answer in english, so that other guys can understand...
My SA 47 XL is "fixed" on my NSD 45 PS camera, wich doesn't have any movement or focus capabilities but, when I used the lens with my Shen Hao HZX 45 IIA, I think I would have something like 0,5 cm of movement room, or something like that, so, very little room. Anyway, as the lens has a great DOF, we can always use front tilt and swing, combined with front raise and fall, or shift, but, if you are in a hurry, forget it!
I agree with you, regarding the Fuji Acros issue, there is no reason at all for that huge diference in price, between LF sheets and MF rolls but, I've heard that they were to stop export for Europe and USA. I hope not, because it's my favourite MF film.
As to the films I mentioned, about the similarities between them, don't forget that Ilford FP4+ and Kodak Plus-x pan are the references on the market, for many years. I remember when Fuji released Acros 100, a lot of guys fiound a lot of similarities between Acros and FP4+, regarding the tonal range. Fomapan is also very similar, on that matter, as well as Adox Art Series. Delta 100 and Tmax 100, those are, indeed diferente films, but all the others, regarding the tonal range, imo, are very similar. I use all those films for some years and didn't notice much diference at all.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Attachment 120283
Shen Hao HZX 45 IIA, Nikon W 210/5.6, Ilford FP4+.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Absolute admiration for this image, beautiful
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Absolute admiration for this image, beautiful
Thanks, Holden.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Hi Nana,
What you sad is very interesting also, maybe it would be a great help and for the sake of information purposes, to cite the developer+dilution and agitation we use for the pics we post. Maybe the use of some developers enhances more then others the own character of a given film, maybe...
Let's post some images to the thread also,
Farm gate - 2
Sinar F2, Foma 100 4x5 ISO 80, Sinaron /5.6/210, Microphen 1-3 14mn 20ºC by Renato__ Salles, on Flickr
Tree - Dilermando de Aguiar - RS - Brazil
Sinar F2, Tominon 4.5/105mm, Fuji Across 100 ISO, Graflex RH-8 back 6x9, Agfa Rodinal 1:100 in stand 1hr 20ºC. by Renato__ Salles, on Flickr
Remains of a bric industrie - Dilermando de Aguiar - RS - Brazil
Sinar F2, Tominon 4.5/105mm, Fuji Across 100 ISO, Graflex RH-8 back 6x9, Agfa Rodinal 1:100 in stand 1hr 20ºC. by Renato__ Salles, on Flickr
Renato, not Rodrigo! :)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
One more to the thread:
Sao Pedro do Sul - RS - Brazil
Sinar F2 - Fuji Across 100 ISO. Tominon 4.5/105mm. Agfa Rodinal 1:100 1h 20ºC stand by Renato__ Salles, on Flickr
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Renato, not Rodrigo! :)
Desculpe, Renato, eu o confundi com um fotógrafo de S. Paulo, o Rodrigo Salles.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
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Re: Large Format Landscapes
(who also was born in Sao Paulo but which name is not Rodrigo).
BTW, andei vendo fotos incriveis tuas no forum esquina da foto, grande trabalho, parabéns!