First post!
Printable View
Welcome MacReady, that's a very nice introduction... I like that image a lot... and look forward to seeing more from you...
Looks nice, MacReady.
I like this more the more I look at it. The trees are arranged well, which is always a challenge. The quality of light is very nice. What I did not notice at first viewing is the way the rocks are arranged around the base of the main tree, providing a nice balance. I'll bet this is really nice in a print large enough to really examine all the details. Not one of those images that knocks your socks off right away - it's more insidious than that. With music I often find the things like that retain my interest longer than something that sounds good right away, and I think this photo would have the same effect.
San Miguel Mountains, SW Colorado
Toyo 45A, 210mm Nikkor, Tri-X
Tiny Waterfall:
Fujinon 180mm, HP5 in Rodinal
Furrowed Field, Sauvie Island
Nice shot, Austin.
Austin, what john said.
Thanks John, Vinny. I felt a little weird sticking poor Mt. Hood over there in the corner, but if I turned my camera I lost the furrow pattern and that nice light on the grass (wheat?). Anyway, the sun was about to set behind a hill so there wasn't much time to mess around. Thanks again.