Thanks John. The tracks were pretty subtle to begin with, but I actually printed this down on purpose. I've been trying to make my pictures more brutal.
Printable View
Ilam, Iran 4x5 by tenderobject, on Flickr
Pacemaker Speed Graphic
Fuji Fujinon SW 90mm F8
Arista Edu Ultra 100 souped in Ilford ID-11
Lousy scanning using Ipad 2 + LX5
To me it is a very pessimistic photograph. A landscape raped. No way would I ahve anything to do with it. Does that make it a good picture or a bad picture?
Andrea, A beautiful photograph. You've captured the feeling of a wonderful place. I guided the Gran Paradiso from the Rifugio Chabot & came down here afterwards. It is a lovely corner of Italy. Congratulations!
Attachment 87165Hi This a black and white of previous have souped the acros ,always saw this image in black and white anyway,But until yesterday had only processed the colour. shot on Chamonix 45-N2 Fuji Acros Rodinol 1-50 it is now in it's correct orientation . BTW still having trouble downloading from flikr keeps saying invalid file i am doing everything as far as i can see the same as previous successful downloads ,I copy the bb code at medium and try to post as url in this forum . Cheers Gary