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Sorry Lenny, but I don't like those color scans - too saturated, a lot of magenta, violet, shadows completely closed.
Your BW scans look better.
Lenny's scan is fantastic and he got everything possible out of the transparency. The color has nothing to do with him. I've stated it was edited. I do not try and recreate the scene as 'reality' would have it or that was captured on the negative/transparency. The image posted is far from a straight scan.
If Lenny does not want his name associated with the image then I will surely take it off and make an edit over on Flickr.
Austin fantastic photo. I really love the one with the guy on the log in the distance. Really tremendous.
Vaughn, Holden, Ibenac, Zaitz, Thank you. That one goes way back, a sure sign I need to get off this computer and go make something new.
Waterfall. Hackelbarney SP, NJ.
Wista 4x5 / 90mm f8 Calumet Caltar WII / Ilford HP-5 / Kodak D-23 Developer
Dachstein as seen from Vorderer Gosausee, Austria, January 2012
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On Black: