Re: Large Format Landscapes
Fort Churchill, Nevada - Officer quarters ruins
Chamonix 45N2
Schneider SA90 f6.8
Ilford Delta 100 souped in Rodinal...uh... I mean Adonal
Scanned with Epson V750
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
nice shot robert, how come you cropped it? was this taken with the 75 or 90
This was taken just off the side of the road, and there is a fence. Just past the fence is a lot of brush. (non interesting stuff) and a scattering of trash from the highway.
I took this with a 210mm and Yellow filter.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
I would never have guessed :D
:p I think I also really like it because it's nearly the exact opposite of my offerings. Soothing with lower contrast and soft light.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Pemberton Steps. This lovely old staircase climbs through a San Francisco neighborhood fairly close to my own.
TX320 - Rodinal 1:25
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Point Reyes, California
Fuji RVP, 90mm Lens, Toyo 45CF.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
A question of etiquette: does a digitally stitched photo from multiple 6x7 frames count? I've got one that's equivalent to about 7x22cm of Acros; didn't want to post it yet 'cos it wasn't shot directly on a single sheet. Let me know what all y'all think...
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Nice! And one of my favorite places on this earth. A picture of mine is in the park service house at right. At least, I hope it is; I left it (framed and everything!) on the porch one night. Say hello to the peninsula for me. I miss it.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Thanks for the comments all, David this was made in the West Coast National park, about an hour's drive up the coast from Cape Town, South Africa.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
A question of etiquette: does a digitally stitched photo from multiple 6x7 frames count? I've got one that's equivalent to about 7x22cm of Acros; didn't want to post it yet 'cos it wasn't shot directly on a single sheet. Let me know what all y'all think...
No. Images must be taken with a large format view camera.
In the Lounge, there is a thread for small format images (including digital).
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
No. Images must be taken with a large format view camera.
In the Lounge, there is a thread for small format images (including digital).
Aren't images on roll film eligible IF they are shot with a view camera (like with a roll film back?)
If so, this might or might not apply to the image he's asking about.