Thank you for your kind words and great wisdom. I like the idea and I will be sure to experiment with accumulative exposures.
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Attachment 229691
Mullion Cliffs - Cornwall.
5x4 + 135mm lens + Deep Yellow filter
HP5 + ID11 (1+1) @ 7 stops
MG Cooltone RC + MG Dev
Martin Great Sand Dunes No 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr
Our goal was to ascend the Great Dunes. This is the view when we stepped off the parking lot. Notice the figure in the distance; when I got there (to that point) I HAD to rest! 4x5 Sinar Norma 90mm f8 Norma Super Angulon HP5 d76 1:1. 8x10 fibre print Fortezo Dektol 1:2 Omega Dii Omegalite 180mm black Rodagon. I knew this was going to be something special. It was late afternoon sun Great Sand Dunes No 2 by Nokton48, on Flickr
The sand is blowing up to my knees. If I lowered Norma it would be catastrophic. The light was starting to get really, really good. 4x5 Sinar Norma 90mm f8 Norma Super Angulon HP5 d76 1:1. 8x10 fibre print Fortezo Dektol 1:2 Omega Dii Omegalite 180mm black Rodagon. Great Sand Dunes No 3 by Nokton48, on Flickr
I am sinking knee-deep into the sand. This is a glorious experience. I stayed in this spot quite a while just enjoying everything about this. 4x5 Sinar Norma 90mm f8 Norma Super Angulon HP5 d76 1:1. 8x10 fibre print Fortezo Dektol 1:2 Omega Dii Omegalite 180mm black Rodagon. Great Sand Dunes No 4 by Nokton48, on Flickr
Those are the beginnings of the Sandre De Christo Mountains in the background. By the time I got back to the parking lot, I was exhausted. No sign of my Assistant Charlie who had the car keys. A nice Guy from Santa Fe (50 miles south) gave me a ride back to our campsite, he had an Uber+ Motor Home. Told me he owned one of the top restaurants in Santa Fe. Had an over the top Linhof 4x5 Technikardon I remember. We laughed when he said to me "You B&W Guys always use wooden tripods". What a fantastic evening. 4x5 Sinar Norma 90mm f8 Norma Super Angulon HP5 d76 1:1. 8x10 fibre print Fortezo Dektol 1:2 Omega Dii Omegalite 180mm black Rodagon.
Very much enjoying the series and the travelogue, Daniel--I'd have to say #2 and #3 are my favorites, definitely hope they've made you a little coin over the years.;)
A great series Daniel.
I have a question - did you plan your shots ahead of time - and therefore your route to avoid putting footprints in an otherwise pristine scenery - or were you just lucky with what you found ?
The reason I ask, is I have ruined many a snow shot by standing in the pristine snow and wondered how you managed to avoid the same fate.
Marvelous shots Daniel !