Nice and sunny picture!
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Nice and sunny picture!
Linhof Technikardan S45, Rodenstock Grandagon-N 4.5/90, Ilford Delta 100, DD-X
2 weeks ago.
Intrepid 4x5, 210 G-Claron, Foma200, PyrocatHD by Vladimir Borisov, on Flickr
Intrepid 4x5, 270 G-Claron, Foma200, PyrocatHD by Vladimir Borisov, on Flickr
This shat was a tough one, it wasn't the location or the composition, instead it was waiting for the right conditions that was the most time consuming. Each morning I would park at the designated area near the park entrance than walk up to this spot and wait for the light, only on the fourth morning did everything come together for this shot.
This was a 5 second exposure on Fomapan 100 8x10 film with a 2-stop soft grad to hold down the sky. Camera used was the Chamonix Alpinist X with a 240mm lens.
The film was home developed in Rodinal 1+50 dilution and scanned on a flatbed.
"Emperor Peak" | Wuyishan Trips 0009 - 10-Feb-2021 to 24-Feb-2021 by BB, on Flickr
Well worth the effort, it's a great shot.
Really nice composition. And worth the effort.
Exceptional work Beano; very painterly composition.
I am guessing that we are seeing a negative scan, toned in PS or other software. The tonality and sharpness are arresting.
P.S. That's some darkroom you have on your Flickr page!
I have to agree, you really nailed it, Beano_z. Beautiful.