Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
All I can say is that having lived in all the states contiguous with it, you wouldn't be alone in thanking the Deity for Mississippi...:)
Seriously, though--as much as I love the Southern Highlands, you're making me think that the Maritime Forest is really the Happy Hunting Grounds for you ULF-er's.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Thanks CB. Lately I have been thinking that there are an awful lot of good photographers down in Florida, shooting large format no less, so what am I bringing to the table that isn't already being done by the likes of Clyde Butcher, John Brady, etc.? But south Mississippi - there's a huge, beautiful area that seems ripe for the picking. The Pascagoula River watershed is a truly spectacular area.
I just need a boat.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Dead Palmettos
Chamonix 45n1, 150mm APO Symmar, TMX, FX-39, dev'd N+1
Re: Large Format Landscapes
I am in FL and I asked the same question about Clyde Butcher and I have come to the conclusion that I bring a different perspective. Everyone sees different. My cousin lives in Pas, MI and yes there are some great locations there. If you go just a bit east on route 90 out of Pas, there is a place called Gulf Coast Gator Ranch and Tours and they'll take you out on an airboat into the bayous. Very very cool.
Originally Posted by
Thanks CB. Lately I have been thinking that there are an awful lot of good photographers down in Florida, shooting large format no less, so what am I bringing to the table that isn't already being done by the likes of Clyde Butcher, John Brady, etc.? But south Mississippi - there's a huge, beautiful area that seems ripe for the picking. The Pascagoula River watershed is a truly spectacular area.
I just need a boat.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Bryan, this is great. It has a feeling of light.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Thanks chassis!
Michael, I agree with you. We all have (or try I think) to have differing perspectives, regardless of photographing the same landscapes sometimes. However I think there's something to be said for exploring and photographing a place without preconceptions, intentional or not, which is easier when it's a new place and you haven't been seeing images from and being inspired by a LF photographer of that landscape, as I have been with Clyde's (and others') work.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
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Early Morning, Shepard State Park - Gautier, Mississippi
Summers in Mississippi bring lots of rain, and consequently lots of humidity. When I take my lenses out first thing, they instantly fog up from the humidity compared to my car. I wipe them down and get to shooting. I've often thought it would be interesting to see how they image with the fogged glass. This time, I guess the inside surface was also very foggy or re-fogged and so I got my test, unintentionally. I like the result.
Mercury 4x5, 47mm XL, TMX, FX-39:
Re: Large Format Landscapes
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Re: Large Format Landscapes
Aguoglia d’Es-cha, canton of Grisons, Switzerland
Chamonix H1, Rodenstock Grandagon-N 75mm/f4.5, Kodak Ektar 100, Tetenal C-41
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Frischbild, Welcome to LFP site. Your shot is a great introduction.