Sinar F1, Rodenstock Sironar-N 150mm f/5.6, Ektachrome expired in 1987
[IMG] (1 of 1) by Joseph Matty, on Flickr[/IMG]
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Sinar F1, Rodenstock Sironar-N 150mm f/5.6, Ektachrome expired in 1987
[IMG] (1 of 1) by Joseph Matty, on Flickr[/IMG]
Nice image Joseph! Well done.
View from Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire.
4x5 dry plate coated with a faster (~ASA 25) version of my emulsion.
1/10s @ f/16. Schneider Symmar 240 f/5.6 on Graflex Speed Graphic.
This is unsensitized - neither orthochromatic nor panchromatic but I was still able to capture clouds. Just had to meter it right and get lucky with the UV levels that day.
Nice! Did you visit Megalithia while you were up there? I want to go over there and check that out. A few other secret spots on that mountain too. (the spy cave, eagle's nest, etc.)
I didn’t. The kids were with me so that puts a limit on where I can explore.
Lucky you! I’ve never shot that stock but I’ve always wanted to, I’d be interested to see what you get!