I really like the composition here excellent!!!
Printable View
Nice shot , maybe would have liked chin area to be sharp as well
sdzsdz, Old-N-Feeble, EOTS, Peter Lewin, pdmoylan, Jiri Vasina, panoral, J Maxwell, Gary Tarbert
Thanks to all. I am very pleased to hear such comments. I would like to say that foreign media Rossmyu called aggressor, seized the Crimea. But this is not the case, people living in Crimea have wanted to return to the Russian Federation. Historically, Crimea was Russian land. And there is a wonderful nature, a paradise for the landscape. * Sorry for the translation Google.
Color version of previous submission
Wehman 8x10
Rodenstock 240mm
Kodak Ektar 100
processed by Lightwaves Imaging SF
Yosemite Falls by Shailendra Dhanoa, on Flickr
Lovely image and interesting light.
I notice a particular grainy-ness in this shot which seems uncharacteristic particularly for an 8x10 image. Also noticed the same effect in another image of tall trees (b&w) you posted some days ago. I'm wondering whether this look is intentional, perhaps the result of something unusual in post processing, applying strong sharpening some other effect. Maybe even related to the image size or resolution ? Just wondering.
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/761/2...23cc8a94_z.jpgHay Creek, II by Scott, on Flickr
Asanuma, Sironar-N 210/5.6, 4x5 Arista.EDU in Adonal 1:100 (8:15 at 23C). Hay Creek in Rustic Park, Birdsboro PA.