Yes. It is a yerba mate. South American tea. Tastes great and encouraging. It's just a matter of how long it will last so tinted photos.
Printable View
Yes. It is a yerba mate. South American tea. Tastes great and encouraging. It's just a matter of how long it will last so tinted photos.
Piton - that is a breathtaking view. Thanks for posting it big :)
Maybe I should cross-post it in the Travelwide 90 thread...
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5663/...18188e98_b.jpgTwilight. by Wojtek Mszyca, on Flickr
This is on the Holy Jim Trail in the Cleveland National Forest in Southern California.
Attachment 142283
4x5 Crown Graphic 150mms Sironar, Shanghai 100, dev in D-76.
Anyone like some Buttermilk?
Attachment 142284
4x5 Crown, 210mm Fujinon, Polarizer, Shanghai 100.
Buttermilk Country near Bishop, CA
Hello and thank you! Correct, that's Provia 100 (RDP II), no "F". I agree that looks like Velvia, the colors that evening really were that stunning, which made me take the photo in the first place. It was a moment on my way back from work, I had no time to look for location, so I just stopped by the nearest lake and managet to get that before it got dark.
Attachment 142295
Wista SP 4x5, Symmar 135/5,6 Velvia 50 expared 10 years ago
Beautiful shot!
Very very nice that in Barcelona,
Perfect color and front rising. Any tilting?