Easier, and I bet you used less tilt than you thought you needed. ;^)
That's usually my experience for landscapes...
Swings, too.
BTW, that is an incredible riot of mosses, flowers, and grass!
Printable View
Supermoon 2014
Chamonix 4x5 (cropped to 6x12)
Tmax 400
Attachment 127033
It was essentially a 2-3 minute exposure, the moon was teetering in and out of the clouds and on this shot at least, I was able to get a decent image of the moon. Did some post processing in Photoshop including curves and duotone. I had to crop the image as the right hand side of the negative had a large bush which I failed to see when I was taking the image - it basically destroyed the bottom right of the image thereby forcing me to crop as such. In hindsight, cropping it this way was much more appealing, to me at least.
You sure picked a good spot on the M. Headlands. I've been drooling over 6x12 (anything) for a while....and bam, you did it with this image. Congrats, v. nice....hope to see more.
Yea it's hard to do 6x12 well vertically, this is a "nailed it" though personally I don't like the PS thing as I don't do PS so when I wonder how I could personally get a shot like this and then learn that there was PS work done, I wonder if it's similar to darkroom work or something that would be near impossible without a computer.
This is not anti-PS this is just understand in my own darkroom limits.