Wow! Very nice!
Printable View
Thanks Nana and cpercy.
Yes, Nana. I'm still happy with it... There was a time when I was contemplating parting with the camera, but mainly because of lack of time, motivation and photographic inspiration, but it seems I have rediscovered my Muse... I'd say, there is nothing wrong with the camera, and also the format...
Kardan ST-E Foma 100 Ultrafin 1:20
Great photograph, Sean!
Very interesting "contrast" between the static dead trees and the rushing water...
I like how you get 3 images for the price of 1 sheet of film. The top, bottom and all together.
Beautiful shot Sean!
Allamuchy Country Road - A little October fun! (Sinar P 4x5 Rodenstock Sironar 150mm Kodak TMY-2 in XTOL 1:2.)
Allamuchy Country Road by JBelthoff, on Flickr
absolutely gorgeous John.