Really nice Pfiltz. What is the location?
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Really nice Pfiltz. What is the location?
Sorry about that..
Some where near the Seattle area, within 2 hours of it. This was my first outing with this camera. I didn't take many notes, even though I had an iPad with me. ;( I was shooting along with my buddy. He was snapping away with Digital, and at times, it was difficult to concentrate.
Next trip out to shoot like this, I'll document shots via the iPad with text and images, so I'll know where I was, time of day, etc...
Not sure where we went to be honest. I was riding along with a buddy of mine, and he took me around for 4 days. I shot 4x5 and 120 b/w, as well as 4x5 Velvia.
Tall Cotton along US 158 in northern North Carolina - 4X5 TX in Crown Graphic, 150mm Caltar IIS
I really like it too, but I think it would benefit just a bit from burning in the sky a little bit to make it look just a bit more dramatic.
Hi there everyone. I have just recently got into the LF with my Linhof Kardan ST-E and this is my firstpot on this forum.
Attachment 80894
150mm Foma 100 r09 1:100 1h stand
Another shot from the badlands in South Dakota.
badlands by Clay Percy, on Flickr