Gotcha, just curious. Yes I'm sure the fall-off and performance suffered at f/4.5, but that hardly matters when you've got that main bolt that looks in-focus and sharp enough!
Printable View
Gotcha, just curious. Yes I'm sure the fall-off and performance suffered at f/4.5, but that hardly matters when you've got that main bolt that looks in-focus and sharp enough!
Thanks Bryan. I'm finding out too, that negatives that are really dense, even though they look good on the light table, really suck for scanning. I'm working on one now developed with Tmax dev at normal times, but I cooked the negative by about 3 stops over exposed. I mention because the lightening one was super thin in the foreground but I still got detail with little work. The current one is just the opposite.
Two Scenes from Yellow Branch Falls, near Walhalla, South Carolina.
Chamonix 45n1, 300mm and 90mm Nikkor lenses, T-Max 100 dev'd in Pyrocat:
Agree, Bryan not only takes good images, but knows how to present them online.
I am wearing out, my 'Like!'
The top one I L*** best---
I'm with Randy. The first image in particular is terrific.
Hey, thanks guys! You all probably know I don't normally shoot such long lenses, but seeing images of this waterfall online had me thinking the "shelves" would be interesting up close.
LOL, CB you should've seen the storm we had at Clemson Monday before shooting. Trees were ripped out of the ground on campus! What a day - I got soaked to the bone. Which from what I understand made the flow here much better than normal.
Anyway, unfortunately it's not the sharpest negative. I've been having a lot of problems with my Chamonix lately. I've schlepped this camera hundreds of miles, knocked it around my bags, gotten it wet, knocked my tripod over and whacked it, etc. - I think the back might be warping as I have a lot of focus issues, and a 300mm certainly makes things a bit more sketchy. I can probably make an okay 8x10 print. The focus is off left-to-right, even though I quadruple checked it and had the focus plane tweaked a bit to follow the "face" of the rocks.
I am really considering heavily modifying a Linhof Technika to bring the weight down as much as possible (and make wide-angles easier to use). I just got a second Master and so I could maybe mod my IV...
That's too bad--I thought it looked a little a Pt/Pd print and call it a Verito and nobody will have to know.:) At any rate, I couldn't help but noticing there's a Walker Titan SF for sale here on the LFF board: ABS don't warp!
Out of curiosity I looked, and the Walker appears to be the same weight as my Linhofs, so not a lot of benefit there.
Lots of great options out there though. I played with a Canham DLC2 at a trade show a few years ago, and talked with Mr. Canham himself - really liked that camera. Expensive, but understandably so.
I need to figure out what the issue is anyway on the Cham and fix it, so I can sell it at the very least, if I were to change cams. But I sure do like the weight of the Cham...