Great work !!
Thank you ;-)
Printable View
Here is another photograph I made on Arabia Mountain, east of Atlanta, as the sun came up.
Mercury 4x5, 47mm XL, TMX, HC-110:
Thanks mono. Getting back into the south Mississippi images, here is another one taken in the mud flats in the Gulf Islands National Seashore area.
Mercury 4x5, 47mm XL, HP5:
Lighthouse at Potanipo Pond here in Brookline. Dry plate, whole plate format, taken with Century No. 1 camera. I was playing with the movements and DOF. :). Did not want to leave the lake to go in to work.
Little River, near Cade's Cove . Penta 45F + Schneider Kreuznach Symmar 150mm f/5.6 + Velvia 100 - f32 at 8 second expo
Attachment 181153
Cropton Banks, North Yorkshire, UK
Taken on 31st July 2018 using Wista 45DX; Schneider Symmar 150mm lens;
Fomapan 200 at 50;
Processed in Fomadon R09 1:49 6.30 minutes;
Printed on Ilford RC WT paper.
https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1793/...97bed5b5_c.jpgCropton Banks, North Yorkshire, UK by Anthony Miller, on Flickr
Attachment 181356
One of my first images with the Deardorff V8 and also one of my first self developed images (as a contact print of course).
Sorry for the phone shot but as of now I have no scanner available.
Still learning but I am very happy about the first results...