Nice one Marty! I like the panoramic composition.
Printable View
Love this one for the middle tones. Hope you will like it too.
4x5 NP20 Pyro 510
Thanks Bryan. I was surprised by the detail of the 4x5. I could see actual people on some of the ridges and points.
There were suppose to be a shot to the left and right, maybe 2 left. I found the left one after this was stitched. I really wanted the one to the right to complete the dunes. I am not sure what happened to it.
Before I will post some more shots of myself I wan´t to thank everybody for the kind posts regarding my last pictures and I have to say that ALL Pictures that are shown here are of superb quality. This is really a great forum with exceptionel members.
Here are some more shots from northern germany, made two weeks ago with my new Chamonix 045N-2 and a Shen Hao 6x17 back. Lenses were 75mm and 210mm. Velvia, Ektar and Provia were used. Everything is more exactly described on flickr. All scanned with my Tango drumscanner:
Winterland 3 by sdzsdz, on Flickr
Winterland 4 by sdzsdz, on Flickr
Winterland 5 by sdzsdz, on Flickr
Winterland 6 by sdzsdz, on Flickr
Wow. All I can say is just wow.
Two from Sutherland, ironically named as it's the northern most county of Scotland! I was there for 4 days in July 2014 and concentrated on 3 to 4 beaches within 4 or so miles of where I was staying. Sunrise and sunset at this time of year in that part of Scotland is painfully early/late, but thankfully there were a few overcast days so I got to bed at a sensible time. I've only just got to understand how to scan in Velvia50 with some degree of success and these are my first home scans of this film.
Early light on at Oldshoremore Beach - Chamonix 045n-2, Velvia 50, Caltar 90mm f6.8
Attachment 129242
Detail, Polin beach - Chamonix 045n-2, Velvia 50, Nikon 300mm f9
Attachment 129244