Ah, Mr. Ross, you're schooling us once again. Lovely. Marvelous. Wish I could see the real print.
Printable View
Ah, Mr. Ross, you're schooling us once again. Lovely. Marvelous. Wish I could see the real print.
Hi Merg
a long time admirer of your work (as you will probably recall)
terrific to see your work on here........................a semblance perhaps of the influence of a certain (greatly underrated artist)...................or perhaps he found the influence of yourself...............? Whatever a lovely image
best regards
Thank you, all.
I have been going through old negatives recently, printing some, and discarding the rest. I have found a few surprises, concluding that my printing skills have improved over the 60+ year journey.
Andrew, the person you reference (I think) simply said to me once that we are all influenced. Fair enough!
Cemetery at Daybreak, Nevada, 1967
Attachment 178794
Marvelous images Merg.
Looking at old negatives is tremendously retrospective evidenced by your willingness to post the images they produced.
On a flight to Hawaii recently there was a PBS piece on in flight entertainment of Dorothea Lange similarly showing her going through 60 years of her negatives in preparation for her big NYC exhibition which I found very informative and interesting. By the way I was able to see first hand why Brett settled in Waimea. I was glad that I took an 8x10 with me as it was a tremendous experience which I hope to do again.
Revisiting old negs myself. This is about 2000.
Lyndonville, VT, with a Winner Tech Field 810 and an old Orbit 500mm on Delta100
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https://farm1.staticflickr.com/832/4...290ae87a_b.jpg2018-05-06 Ukraine Sh in DDX 1+9 10 min002-002web by Yuriy Sanin, on Flickr
Wista 8x10, Fujinon 420/8@32, Shanghai 100 in DDX 1+9 10 min