deardorff 810
240 rodenstock sinonar-n
HP5+ 400@200
rollo Pyro in jobo 9.5 min
1111 bw 810 1Scan-111105-0001.jpg by urbanlandcruiser, on Flickr
Printable View
deardorff 810
240 rodenstock sinonar-n
HP5+ 400@200
rollo Pyro in jobo 9.5 min
1111 bw 810 1Scan-111105-0001.jpg by urbanlandcruiser, on Flickr
First attempt at developing Color Film.
El Capitan - Guadalupe Mountains National Park Texas
Shen-Hao 4x5
Kodak Ektar 100 ISO
Scanned on Epson V700
Metered with Sekonic L758DR
Waking-up get the gear and go shooting...
Nikkor 180/5.6 Green Filter HP5 Pyrocat 2:2:500 Stand 50 minutes
Nikkor 300/9 Green Filter HP5 Pyrocat 2:2:500 Stand 50 minutes
I think that first one is great, perfect exposure.
Hello Ron,
Literature (The Art of B&W Developing - John Finch) calls for 45 minutes with agitation first minute and then 10 seconds every ten minutes.
I have used 4 ml of each A/B in 1 liter of water at 20°C, 3 minutes pre-soak, agitation first minute and then 30 seconds at 25 minutes and then 15 seconds at 40 minutes, fixed in TF-5.
I was developing 4 sheets in a Combiplan and 3 sheets came out even but one came out uneven. Based on this I would likely recommend following the recommendation of agitation every 10 minutes.
I like the second image :)
On the outskirts of the Mojave:
Toyo 45CF, 150mm Lens, Fuji RDPIII
That is the third one.
I have been debating cropping to remove the duck at the right bottom corner. The sneaky duck swam closer to the corner that I was planning to while I was loading the holder, but it was the point of the composition :o