1 Attachment(s)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Attachment 87900
This was taken in the "wilderness" area of Great Swamp NWR in New Jersey. Velvia 50. Nikkor 150w
I will never forget this occasion and the energetic young lady in her mid 20s who joined this photo trip which I was leading. She was one of the last to leave and when I inquired late in the day about her intermittent cough she told me that the cause was water on her lung from cervical cancer. I was so taken by her courage and lack of self pity that I befriended her until her death about 6 months later. Photography is such an amazing artform, connecting people and their passions.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
It's so nice to see these great LF color shots.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Attachment 87900
This was taken in the "wilderness" area of Great Swamp NWR in New Jersey. Velvia 50. Nikkor 150w
I will never forget this occasion and the energetic young lady in her mid 20s who joined this photo trip which I was leading. She was one of the last to leave and when I inquired late in the day about her intermittent cough she told me that the cause was water on her lung from cervical cancer. I was so taken by her courage and lack of self pity that I befriended her until her death about 6 months later. Photography is such an amazing artform, connecting people and their passions.
Nice photograph, with a tragic story. So young ...
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Jim thanks. I am reminded of Salgado's amazing images of Africa which depict discernable tragedy. I don't handle the sad side of life too well - too much empathy I suppose. I seek beauty whereever I "see" it rather than indulge in the misery of living.
That next image keeps me going.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
After seeing Salgado's book on Africa a few years ago, I called one of the galleries that represent him to inquire about one of his prints. I wasn't ready for the price, although if I would have had the $$ I would have spent them in the blink of an eye. His photographs, although representative of hardship, are truly visionary.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
We're off track here but what they heck.
Some of his images are archtypal, such as "Madonna and Child" (as I call it), of an Ethiopian refugee mother, sullen and gaunt, with young child at her breast, bright light eminating from the back, should be compared to Renanissance artists wo painted idealized scenes of the same subject. You have an instanteous attraction to his subjects, not for their beauty or a stylized perspective, but the need to empathize, to feel what they are experiencing.. To accomplish what he did you have to have to be driven, have a thick skin to see such depraved conditions and suffering mankind without blinking. It takes a special photographer to persist year after year in capturing the dying and dead among the suffering. Not sure I could.
I could write volumes about his work but perhaps we should push this to another thread in the "On Photography" folder.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
PD and Darren--Nice work, gents!
Joe, PD, and Brad--Thanks for your comments on my Owens Valley image.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Jim Becia
Here are two more from this past fall. The first is one from a small lake in WI that has some of the most stunning lily pads. I've only seen and photographed them in the fall, but I hope to make it up there sometime this summer for a different look. At sunset, the lighting on the lily pads after a light rain was quite nice. The second image is from the Pictured Rocks National Seashore area in the UP. Both images taken with an 8x10 and the trusty and very sharp Fuji 300 5.6. I printed the lily pad one at 36x45 to hang on one of my walls. Every water drop is so clearly visible. I am a sucker for this kind of image where I tend to get lost in the detail. Jim
Nice ones.
What film did you use? Where is the lake? I am in Neenah WI
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Sierra Sunrise, Big Pine, CA
Tachihara 4x5
Nikkor-M 300mm, 81-b
Cropped to square to eliminate various steamers (cow pies) ;-)
October 2006-recently rescanned and reworked.
Comments appreciated. Thanks,
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Nice composition. The colors remind me of Eliot Porter's work.
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