Thanks. I appreciate the discussion and comments
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Thanks. I appreciate the discussion and comments
Am Von-Sandt-Ufer
Kodak TMax 100, Rodinal, Fujinon 180/5.6, Canham 5x7 MQC
I arrived late to the party but wanted to give my thoughts.
I used to believe landscapes should be sharp thru-out. Most of my own work fits that model.
However, over the years, my view has changed particularly when an image has a point of focus & subject along with with other elements that lend themselves to sharp/soft technique as with your type of lens.
I think all three of your images are very pleasing and excellent examples of what can be done very successfully with soft focus and careful composition.
I have not used lenses similar to yours, but I'm assuming you very carefully chose those areas that would be sharper vs softer. I think you did a great job in making several very interesting images.
Attachment 160075
Korona 4x5
125mm lens
St. Louis Canyon, Starved Rock State Park, IL, USA
Beautiful image.
Is it type 55p/n ?
Thanks civich. Here's another one with the same lense;
Älplisee, Arosa
Sinar F, 75mm Rodenstock Grandagon-N, Fuji Acros / Xtol 1:1
David nicely done. This image is helping me visualize a 2:1 quasi-pano image I am planning. I tried a 2:1 version of your image and it gives me encouragement to continue planning my little project.
Nice tones and sense of light.