Re: Large Format Landscapes
Cottonwoods being encroached by dunes on the leeward side of the big dunes at Great Sand Dunes Nat. Park southern CO. TK45 with a 360 Nikon T ED and Fuji Velvia 50 Quickload. Oct. 2002 while stuck in the sand with my 4 runner.
COO2-2-14[t1 by hypolimnas, on Flickr
Nate Potter, Austin TX.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
A wonderful photo - That's a person up there !
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Beautiful light. Is that a wandering droid in the distance?
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Beautiful light. Is that a wandering droid in the distance?
Could be, but of course not the one you are looking for...
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Does Nathan think he is some kind of Jedi Knight waiving that pentax spotmeter around like that.
You know I would vote Nathan to take stills of the upcoming Star Wars series using 4x5 film. Can we start a petition? He might even know big George who I hope would still have some influence.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Nathan Potter
I've got a better word for that photo: spectacular.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
I'd swear that looks like bigfoot up there
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Thanks guys for what I think are compliments. I must have been intent on framing this image because I only found that individual atop the dune when I got the chrome back from Praus and was checking the quality on my binocular microscope.
Nate Potter, Austin TX.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
All kidding aside, this is a beautiful image Nate. When my kids bought various Star Wars books, it appeared that no stills were used but rather poor quality copies of film footage. It always occurred to me that they should have considered taking LF stills throughout the process to enhance the characters and scenes. Hence my comment. I hope no offense was taken as none was intended. In fact quite the contrary.
I enjoy your work.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Attachment 100682
panoral 45 Handmade technical camera, made by myself,Super Angulon 90/5.6,center filter IIIC,Kodak E100VS 4x5in