Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Very nice shot. Dev -3 means you developed 3 minutes less time to compensate for the 2 stops overexposure?
A Dev -3 does not always mean 3 minutes less.
Each - increment (or + increment) is a percentage is a percentage of the original Dev time.
Some people do 10% increments, some do 15% increments and some do 20% increments.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
Light Guru
Some people do 10% increments, some do 15% increments and some do 20% increments.
And some do sufficient testing with a Stouffer step wedge at different dev times to enable plots of characteristic curve at each dev time and can then obtain (1) a close estimate of the dev time needed each expansion/contraction and (2) the amount of additional exposure time needed to preserve shadow detail when using contractions. A densitometer is used for these tests to read the plot points from the separate negatives of the step wedge.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Re: Large Format Landscapes
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Attachment 121842
NSD 45 PS (Home made 4x5" camera) Schneider SA 47mm XL, Fomapan 100, 25A filter, Epson V700.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Attachment 121843
Shen Hao HZX 45 IIA, Schneider Symmar S 150/5.6, Fomapan 100, 25A filter, Epson V700.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Attachment 121844
Wista 45 DX II, Nikon W 150mm, Tmax 100, 25A filter, Epson V700
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Attachment 121845
NSD 45 PS, Schneider SA 47 XL, Fomapan 100, 25A filter, Epson V700
Re: Large Format Landscapes
I think I've seen some of these before, Nana, but that doesn't take away from their impact. I particularly like the first one - Arribas - and like several other of your images, it reminds me of some of the landscapes that one finds in a Dali. It must be something to do with the Iberian coastline, I guess.
Re: Large Format Landscapes
Originally Posted by
David Hedley
I think I've seen some of these before, Nana, but that doesn't take away from their impact. I particularly like the first one - Arribas - and like several other of your images, it reminds me of some of the landscapes that one finds in a Dali. It must be something to do with the Iberian coastline, I guess.
Thanks, David
probably, I already posted these photos, the reason is that I don't have new stuff, I'm to lazy, at the present time, I think I'm really geting old!!!!! ;-)
As to Dali, I never thought about that, this a perfectly normal sight around here.