Feel free as long as you are critical enough.
Nate Potter, Austin TX.
Printable View
Well, as I see it, the image has four components, the cranberries, the rocks, the sky and the space. To me, the cranberries are the weakest part of the image, and don't necessarily work that well with the sky and space, in my opinion. I would prefer to see the cranberries in a more intimate scene. I like the top 4x10 portion of the image as a panoramic.
That of course doesn't agree with what you were striving for with the color contrast between the bushes and the sky, although one still gets some of that with the far patches of cranberries. It also doesn't maintain the 4x5/8x10 proportions that you favor.
Those are my thoughts. All that said, I have really enjoyed all of the images you've been posting lately. You have some lovely images, and seem to have been to a lot of great places!
Seagulls at Dusk, Oregon Coast:
Seagulls, Oregon by Jeffery D Ross, on Flickr
Chamonix 45N-2
Tri-X 320
The Oregon Outback:
Homestead and Spring 2, Alvord Playa, OR by Jeffery D Ross, on Flickr
Chamonix 45N-2
Tri-X 320
[QUOTE=h2oman;1017386]Well, as I see it, the image has four components, the cranberries, the rocks, the sky and the space. To me, the cranberries are the weakest part of the image, and don't necessarily work that well with the sky and space, in my opinion. I would prefer to see the cranberries in a more intimate scene. I like the top 4x10 portion of the image as a panoramic.
That of course doesn't agree with what you were striving for with the color contrast between the bushes and the sky, although one still gets some of that with the far patches of cranberries. It also doesn't maintain the 4x5/8x10 proportions that you favor.
h2oman, Before I read this I was thinking you might suggest a 4 X 10 landscape crop which I agree would be logical and I see I have a couple of older copies where I tried that. But I stuck with the 4 X 5 original for a large print to preserve the blueberry bush color which was pretty dramatic - pure sentimentality I suppose. But no matter how I transfigure this image I don't get the feel of what was there. Seems to be a lifetime project. BTW I've been working this ridge for more than 40 years and just can't seem to get the feeling I want.
I seem to see and crop pretty rigorously in the field so mostly end up with the 4 X 5 frame and I need to get over that. It forces a kind of artificial barrier to seeing which is often not useful. In retrospect I really miss the 5X7 format I used more than 20 years ago.
Nate Potter, Austin TX.
I like both of those, ross, especially the seagulls. Nice shadow detail in that one, and the gulls really pop.
Only occasionally do I see prints that sparkle, and, Mr. Ross, your seagull image sparkles. That massive, brooding cliff is amazing.
Both are well done. 'Homestead...' is wonderful. It looks like one could explore around there as long as the light is willing to cooperate.
If both are shown together, the gulls and the trees occupy and inhabit the same space in their respective photographs. Very fun!