Really like this.
Printable View National Park by Jeff Wingard, on Flickr
Acadia National Park.
Portra 160. Fujinon W 150 f5.6
It's been a while since I posted here, but here goes. River Falls, June 2016 by Gary L. Quay, on Flickr
©2016 Gary L. Quay
White River Falls, near Tygh Valley, Oregon.
Camera: Sinar Alpina 4x5
Lens: 150mm Fujinon
Film: Ilford FP4+ developed in Clatyon F76+
Nice shot gary. Did you use a filter?
Nice contrast in the sky.
Gateposts & Shadows, Waiparous Road
4"x10"camera, 90 Super-Angulon XL
Contact print on Lodima Paper
Another repost with better repro.
Linhof Technikardan S45, Nikkor-M 9/300, Velvia 50. by atomstitcher, on Flickr
Hi all
The mountain Le mont Froid near AUssois in french alps
Intrepid 4x5
Grandagon N 90mm f6,8
Provia 100f (crop in 4x5)
Attachment 237242
Emmanuel, beautiful work. You've recorded the brilliance of high altitude light very well. I look forward to seeing more of your photographs.