Marvelous! Wish I could see the chrome.
Printable View
Attachment 219775
fp4+, hc110h
Toyo 45CF + Symmar 120 + Tmax 100
Attachment 219906
Wisner 4x5 Arton 270mm Foma100 FX39
Trees in North German Landscape
My first post on here.
Lot's of lovely images around here. Thank you.
Shot with Wista 45d, Fuji SWS 90mm on HP5+
^ Lovely shot there, Max Weber! It feels so familiar, yet so mystical.
Keep them coming.
I don't normally take images that close to local area is flat, but here's one from early summer. on the borders of Essex and Cambridgeshire, UK
... harvest by Graham Meek, on Flickr
Chamonix 045N-2, Nikon 300mm f9@f45 and 1/3, 2s, Ilford Delta 100, no filters. Epson V700 scan, colourperfect and lightroom processing.