Frederick, beautiful, I am coming back again to admire.. Wish I had a cabin in such fantastic place..
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Frederick, beautiful, I am coming back again to admire.. Wish I had a cabin in such fantastic place..
Forgive the repost from the spring, but I finally got these plates "professionally" shot (to eliminate glare reflection) and stitched together in PS. Eight 16x20 tintypes.
Outstanding, Ed!
Thank you! I sold the piece(s) to a couple who are going to put it in the dining room of their (amazing!) new home. I went over with them to the home site and took a look at the room and talked about framing and lighting. Because the wall is finished concrete, the tintypes get lost in the tones, which ruled out a frameless approach. I think they are going to put it in one BIG frame (probably plexi museum glass) floating each piece with about an eighth inch separating the plates. That's the current thinking anyway. On the opposing wall will hang a slice of a giant sequoia tree with something like 750 rings. With a custom table made from the same fallen tree. It should be a stunning room when all completed. I think Sunset Magazine is already planning a story on the house (uber energy efficient). Anyway, I'm happy they're happy.