From earlier today, in the Upper Rhine wetlands in Alsace-Lorraine;
Sinar F, Schneider 180mm, TMax 100 / Tanol
Printable View
From earlier today, in the Upper Rhine wetlands in Alsace-Lorraine;
Sinar F, Schneider 180mm, TMax 100 / Tanol
Driftwood 2 by Tim Ingmire
This is one I took last month but "lost" the holder. Found and developed today. Not in the class of Nana's though.
Definately not. I feel like putting my footprints there.
I really like the minimalistic approach here.
Thank you Nana!
+1 to that, soft light and a lot of details. Nice flow.
I think it deserves a nice print, great wave action
BW works really fine here, adds a lot to the moody atmosphere.
And a recent one from me I'd like to share with you Gentlemen. Nothing fancy, a good old long exposure on the beach.
Toyo 45A, Schneider SA 90mm f8 at f16, Kodak Tmax 100, developed in Tmax RS. I think the exposure time was around 5 or 7 minutes. Shot some 35 minutes after the sunset.
Shot this earlier today. I haven't shot much with my Cambo 8x10, but now that I've managed to mount my 9-stop filter on the Caltar S-II lens, I'll be shooting a lot more with the Legend :)
Metered at 4mins. Exposed at 9mins 30secs on the Delta 100. Developed with HC110 Dilution E.
Mono Lake 2010
Taken with a 1922 Korona 5x7 on Adox CHS25 and developed in WD2D+.
Contact print using Kentmere Fineprint VC FB Glossy. Applied Type 2 High Light mask with Arista Lith film on the Tuffas and slight bleaching on the mountains.
I wish I had a 5x7 enlarger! :(
Apologies for the scanner dust. HLM small.jpg
My version of the big sky. No filtration. Shanghai 100 in Pyrocat M