Manley Beacon, Death Valley
Camera: 4x5 Linhof Technika, Lens: 150mm Symmar, f32 @1/125
Tri-X developed in HC110, Normal
Recently scanned (X5) and processed in PS
Printable View
Manley Beacon, Death Valley
Camera: 4x5 Linhof Technika, Lens: 150mm Symmar, f32 @1/125
Tri-X developed in HC110, Normal
Recently scanned (X5) and processed in PS
Nice. That cloud makes it for me.
Camera: Travelwide
Lens: Pinhole
Exposure: about 20 seconds
Film: TMY400
Developer: Xtol 1:1
Thanks, Andrew.
Your Horsethief Canyon image is quite something. I've gone back to enjoy it several times.
Beautiful image, light and reflection
Thank you, darkrat and krishmandal.
@krishmandal, I took four shots as the storm approached. This was the best (third shot).
Two images of a mountain called Suiliven from opposite points of the compass. Suiliven is a very characteristic mountain in the far northwest of Scotland.
Suiliven from Quinag (click for larger image)
Attachment 158561
Chamonix 045N-2, Caltar 210mm f6.8 at f45 and 1/3, 2s, red filter, Ilford Delta 100
Suiliven from Stac Pollaidh (click for larger image)
Attachment 158562
Chamonix 045N-2, Rodenstock 135mm Sironar N f5.6 at f22 and 1/3, 1/2s, orange filter, Ilford Delta 100