Great shot Jim
Getting these minimalist shots to work is so hard
This one really sings
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Very nice Vallantho
Very beatiful image. How much is shutter speed & aperture?
I shoot 4x5 as well, fantastic quality with both !
The recent government shutdown & park closures kept me on the logging roads, such as this one, just outside Mount Rainier NP.
The signs of logging can be distracting, but the scalping, I think, intensifies the experience of gazing up at the sublime volcano, and its diverging glaciers.
This is just outside the Park's western boundary, about 8 or 10 miles from the volcano's summit (by line of sight), and 4,500 feet in elevation. A pleasing perspective, I think: not too close, not too far, not too low, not too high. I had hoped for broken skies, or slope-kissing fog, but no luck this early evening.
Overall, Mount Rainier cradles more than 25 glaciers, and their erosive activity is far outpacing volcanic activity (i.e., the mountain-building type), robbing the volcano, century by century, of a once-higher altitude, and a once-conical shape. It’s so craggy now, it looks like a different mountain from each side, as additional images by people here show. Part of its charm for me.
Tachi 4x5
Schneider 150mm/9 g-claron
Ilford HP5+ (in HC-110)
Epson 4990/Epson Scan
Vitorchiano, Lazio.
6x17, FUJI SW 90/8, Center filter. Kodak Ektar 100 (I love it!), Scanned on Hasselblad X5 in Scandig studio (Germany)
All the same, but Fuji Velvia 100f
Two slightly different views of "Abandoned exercise station #8" on a near-by passive recreation trail. I was originally walking along, attracted simply by the texture of the fallen leaves, and then noticed the slightly off-trail pull-up bar slowly aging. Both images are negative scans from 4x5 HP5+, developed PMK, taken with Canham DLC & Rodenstock 150mm.
img125 by Pete Lewin, on Flickr
img124 by Pete Lewin, on Flickr