This proves that persistence is a virtue if one is to make truly outstanding images.
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This proves that persistence is a virtue if one is to make truly outstanding images.
This is the first time I've used movements to control my plane of focus as well as perspective. I had rise, tilt, and swing on the front standard here, getting both gate leaves in focus and keeping the ground sharp from front to back. It's not perfect, I couldn't see the ground glass when stopped down to preview the focus.
Attachment 213580
Graphic View, Componon 150mm f/5.6, f/22, 1/4 IIRC.
Arista .EDU Ultra 400, Xtol replenished stock
Thanks all of you guys for the very kind comments!
And I guess this is the beauty of large format for me, due to the high level of involvement in the entire process, I'm much more willing to put in the effort of scouting, planning and in the end executing the image, which was never my strong suit when shooting digital :rolleyes: Cypress Dawes by Nokton48, on Flickr
4x5 Sinar Norma 90mm F8 chrome Sinar Norma Auto Aperture lens Sinar Norma Shutter
I like that one
Been away for a while. Had 3 shoulder surgeries and an ankle surgery starting last July. Also moved into a rental while house being built so no room to develop, but I did buy a beat film drying cabinet that my neighbor and I are rebuilding by replacing the particle board with Maple. Here is an image scanned on the Howtek last year, no sharpening at all applied. Chamonix 45HS-1, 75 mm Nikkor f/4.5 @f/32, no center filter. Fuji 100 RDPIII. This is image 0347. If you look at the other images here thru 0361, those were all taken a few minutes apart. I need to verify date, but 0347 was a possibly couple days later, but I believe it was actually the same day. Several I need to reprocess after scanning with the Howtek. What is very interesting is how the landscape in the Canyon can change phenomenally within a matter of seconds and minutes.
Not present on my monitor in PS, but here is a slight magenta cast I think. Weird.
Looks good to me.