Thank you,, yeah I wasn't sure just how it would take to the re-size seeing how some of my shots didn't like it much..
Printable View
Here's one I shot in Dec. of '09 and printed in Jan. '10. It's an 11x14 pt/pd triptych. Framed and hanging on the wall it's quite the beastie!
Very good, Michael!
I wouldn't mind a beastie like that on my wall, very nice.
Here are a couple I did today, one was with a 75mm SA, other with a 152mm ektar, both on 4x5
Where is that?
One from the weekend Sinar P2 8x10, Sinaron-S 300mm, FP4 developed in DDX, Contact printed on Ilford MG FB and cropped in photoshop to remove my shadow:o
Baril Creek, Kanaskis Country, Alberta
Great images everyone... :)
This is a very touristy image of a great public golf course within our Kananaskis Provincial Park, which happens to be a legacy to every Albertan, compliments of a former Provincial Premier, and where I enjoy the view, while sipping a loaded Pepsi or two after a fabulous round of golf, but alas only during the summer...
The Eighteenth Fairway, Kananaskis Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada, 2010