Sweet light, with the shadows, intersecting lines and nice sky, a beautiful image. The church might be tilted a bit, but what the heck.
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Thank you both, very kind. It is starting to grow on me. The intersecting lines were what drew me to this vantage point. There was another from below by the side of the road. The light was better from that angle, but only the mountain in the background made the composition a little too simple for my taste.
Northeast Dike, Shipock, 2013. 190 Ektar, no filter. Hp5 in Xtol. 5X7.
Attachment 99979
I'm not real keen on this image, but it illustrates the effect of wildfire smoke in our region. Crater Lake, August 1st:
Attachment 100005Steps to Sand Beach, Acadia Maine 90mm 5.6 XL on sinar P fall
4x5 Orwo NP15 D76
4x5 EFKE 25 D76
JeRuMo and czmielek (second one): both lovely.
toyoview 45A,Symmar-S 100/5.6,ilford FP4 6X9
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