Thank you Chassis and David! The transparency is indeed beautiful with many small details (spider webs, flowers, leaves etc.) that don't show well on a computer screen. There is loads of tiny life that's captured throughout this one.
Regards, Pali
Printable View
Thank you Chassis and David! The transparency is indeed beautiful with many small details (spider webs, flowers, leaves etc.) that don't show well on a computer screen. There is loads of tiny life that's captured throughout this one.
Regards, Pali
I cheated a little and moved the limb. Don't tell anyone. Working on my pre-visualization.
Hidden Falls #1 along Long Creek, on the Three Forks area of the Appalachian Trail.
Chamonix 45n1, 150mm APO Symmar, Portra 160VC:
Also shot this on b&w, might print that one in the darkroom if it turns out well.
Really nice Bryan and bbarna!
Thanks Pali. I don't normally do this and hope no one minds, but here is the black and white version. I decided I definitely like it more and will print it sometime this week to 16x20 I think. What do you (or anyone for that matter :)) think?
This one with FP4+ and XTOL 1:3. Don't normally use XTOL but I had just mixed up some to develop a few rolls for a friend that I need to use XTOL with, and I really like this combination.
I took my Intrepid (1st Gen) out to the North Carolina Outer Banks and made these two images that I'd like to share. Both on Kodak Ektar and both with the excellent Nikkor 90mm SW f/8.
Sunrise at Avon Pier:
Sunset at Canadian Hole:
The North Carolina Outer Banks is pretty unique in that you have the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Pamlico Sound on the other. That gives you excellent sunrise and sunset options and these two locations are no more than a 10 minute drive from each other.
Comments and critique are welcome.
Karl, outstanding! Great composition, location and use of the Ektar rendering. I have used Ektar with warmer subjects and your images inspire me to look explore cooler subjects.
Karl, they are both amazing!