Nice image, Jiri
That Chamonix of yours is 5x8"? Not 5x7"? I've never heard of that format.
Printable View
Thanks Nana.
And yes, it's a bit strange format, but has a lot of merits. The film can be very easily cut from 8×10" - and the availability of 8×10" film is much better and more diverse than either 5×7" or 13×18cm. And it's one simple cut. Also, the aspect ratio is a nice one, and it serves well a lot of images.
The camera can very easily be used not only to shoot the 5×8" format, but also 13×18cm/5×7" film in standard holders (and I also have some holders for Half Plate format for it...). Here on my website, you can read more about the camera and have a look at the camera itself - part 1 and part 2.
And here is a link to the 5x8 camera on Chamonix website.
Come to Alaska when you get used to your new camera.
1. Mt. Pendelton in fall, Denali National Park
2. Receding rain storm over Savage River in fall, Denali National Park
Bruce - the second image (Savage River) is sublime! Do you have a large print of it?
The camera looks nice, I like the focusing system. The choice of this format it's a bit strange but makes sense, because of 8x10" sheets. I never did cut sheets in the dark but I think will be not very hard to do with some practice.
The only problem I see, with this format, is about developing. I use Jobo Expert Drums, I have the 3010 tank, wich can develop 10x 4x5" or 9x12cm Sheets, the 3006 tank, wich takes 6x 5x7" or 13x18cm sheets and the 3063, wich takes sheets from 5x7", untill 20x24". I use this one to develop 6x 8x10" sheets, but I don't know if it could be adapted to 5x8". With some skill, probably will fit.
I am thinking aobut purchasing a 5x7" camera, maybee, this 5x8" is a better choice, I think 5x7" and 13x18cm will be very difficult to find in the future.
Bruce, love em. we want pix of redoubt when it blows!
Bruce... excellent.
Nana, I develop all my LF films in 2830 print drum. I think the the 3063 tank of yours could be used to develop the 5x8 size too. My drum has ridges on the inside, which allow either placing 4 13x18cm (5x7") sheets with the shorter side of the film along the axis of the tank (and the longer side bent around the circle of the drum). It's also intended to develop 2 sheets of 8x10" with the longer side along the axis of the tank - and 1 sheet 8x10" is 2 sheets of 8x5" placed next to each other :) So if you load the 8x10 film in the tank in the same way, you could also develop a 8x5" (5x8") film.
Try cutting a paper and loading it in the developing drum...
The 5x8" format is a very nice one aestheticaly. The only downside is the high price of the Chamonix holders - but this is relative, and subjective too.
Ken Lee has presented some extraordinary work in this format in the past 6 moths (+-) among others (sorry for not mentioning by name, I can't remember them at the moment).
(Btw., I'm looking for a way to develop my quarter plate [3 1/4 x 4 1/4] films - they won't hold in the 2509N reel, and are too small to be placed in the 2830 drum. Does anyone of you have a way to develop them in Jobo tanks, or a non-expensive dedicated way? Thanks)
For all my recent work I have masked my ground glass to the golden ratio, on both 4x5 and 5x7.
If I had the big money, I would work in 5x8, which is very close to the golden ratio. I'm sure that someone could make a 5x8 back at a reasonable cost, but the big expense would be to purchase or make a large enough number of 5x8 film holders.